Gutter Maintenance Company Greater London
Did you just search for ‘Gutter Maintenance near me?’
You’re probably looking to get a quote from a local company to maintain your gutters. Maybe you already have a leak or can see some visible growth or if you’ve read any of our content before you might be a proactive property owner and understand the importance of maintaining your property before a problem occurs.
Rest assured if you are a home owner in the greater London area or a property manager for a commercial property in the South East of England then we are a gutter maintenenace company near you!
LBC are based in North London and regularly operate right across Greater London and the home county areas including Bedfordshire, Hertsmere, Hertfordshire and all 32 boroughs of London.
For commercial Gutter Cleaning LBC provide a nationwide service.
Why is Gutter Maintenance Important?
Gutter Maintenance is one of the most important maintenance tasks when looking after a building whether that be commercial, residential or industrial.
A buildings guttering system is designed to take rain water away from the building. When guttering systems are not maintained this leads to water finding its way onto and often into the building resulting in damp problems.
How Often should Gutters Be Maintained
As a minimum gutters should be inspected and tested at least every 6 months. But this depends on local factors such as tree growth in the area. If the building is surrounded by tall trees then the inspection should be more regular to prevent a build up of debris.
Should i Fit Gutter protection/ Gutter Guards?
Gutter protection can be great, however after fitting protection to your guttering system this doesn’t mean they no longer need to be inspected and cleaned, sometimes this can mean they need to be inspected more often. Downpipe protectors can be great but they can actually block up easier than downpipes themselves. Here at LBC we have one client who gets their guttering system checked on a monthly basis. Following an expensive floor caused by blocked guttering this central London client installed a sumb pump and float switch in their gutter channels to pump away water should it start to build up. As well as this the client also has us to manually inspect and clean the guttering system every month as prevention is better than cure!
In our opinion downpipe protectors should be fitted if your downpipes go straight into the ground and do not have a covered drain cover grid at the bottom of the downpipe which is easily visible and accessible and easy to maintain. On a job recently on an industrial building where the downpipes go straight into the ground behind internal walls in the building our client had to spend thousands of pounds to dig down under the concrete ground to expose where the downpipe was entering into the underground drainage and gain access to the pipework to clear the blockage. In this example something had gone down the downpipes from the roof and got trapped further down. When it rained heavy the water started backing up the downpipe and coming out of the joints and into the building. With these factors we heavily recommended getting downpipe protectors fitted to prevent similar from happening in the future.