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Creating Cleaner, healthier places to live...
Creating Cleaner, healthier places to live...

LBC Exterior Cleaning- Coronavirus Policy- Coronavirus Cleaning



At LBC we have a strict preparation, prevention and response plan for the safety of our team and our clients.

Due to the nature of our business and our services namely steam cleaning and disinfection we will look to continue serving our clients as best as possible for as long as possible to help where we can with the control of the virus in your local area.

However, we are continually monitoring updates on government guidelines.



All members of our team:-

  • Are stocked with sanitiser
  • Are stocked with tissues
  • Are stocked with disinfectant and a cloth
  • Have a strict safety policy checklist we are adhering to



Our team have a safety policy checklist risk assessment for the safety of our clients and our team that includes:-

  • Identifying who will be present on job sites
  • The age, health status and specific (potential) risks of everyone present on site
  • Confirmation of self-isolation/quarantine status of clients
  • Confirmation of any interaction with individuals that have been quarantined
  • An analysis of the job site to ensure safety throughout the job for our clients and our team


All members of our team:-

  • Are continually self-monitoring for symptoms
  • Are frequently wiping work surfaces and tools with disinfectant where applicable
  • Have periodic temperature checks for fevers
  • Are frequently washing their hands and request that our team have access to a place to wash their hands onsite
  • Are frequently sanitising
  • Are strictly maintaining safe social distancing
  • Have a strict rule on respiratory etiquette and are coughing and sneezing into tissues which is immediately placed in the bin.
  • Are encouraged not to use each other’s phones


Response Plan

Any member of our team that is at risk is encouraged to stay at home.


Any member of our team that has either been diagnosed or aware of coming into direct contact with someone who has been diagnosed is strictly forbidden from working and provided with the support necessary to nurse themselves back to health and to avoid infecting their colleagues and our clients.