Gutter Cleaning Project with Road Traffic Management

March, 2024.
In this project, we worked for our client, Morgan Sindall. Their client was Watford Council.
The job involved cleaning out all the guttering around Watford Town Hall and the Colossian building.
Consisting of downpipes, hoppers and channels of guttering behind parapet walls.
The building was getting a major refurbishment after it had been empty for a period of at least three to four years during covid.
The guttering had not been maintained and there was water coming inside the building.
Inside the famous theater area which is world wide renowned for its aquistic qualities.
The ingress of water was damaging the walls, causing expensive damp issues.
To do this job properly and safely involved a range of access machinery, including LBC’s very own multiTel MZ250.
It also involved a large Bronto 56 meter hired in from a local access hire company.
The job also included traffic management to shut off the inside lane on the major roadways at the front of the building. This allowed for the large cherry picker to set up safely and get our operatives up to the guttering to safely clean it.
The job was done over two weekends to minimise any disruption to the local public.
On the first weekend, all the areas were accessed that could be done without traffic management. The following weekend on Mother’s Day the 10th of March, the guttering on the elevation to the front of the building facing the main road was cleaned
The lane closure was orchestrated by the traffic managemenet company from 6:30 AM on the Sunday morning.
Although it wasn’t part of the original scope, we also sorted out an issue where water was pooling on a flat roof due to the guttering system being blocked which was identified from our operative once up above the building.
The pooling water on the flat roof was making its way into the building around the vent in the roof.